# Changes the inflection point of the Hyperbolic Tangent function that determines the enemy multiplier for a given player count.
# This adjusts the shape of the overall curve. A lower value means that difficulty will increase faster as you add players.
# Example: If InflectionPointRaid is 0.5, an enemy in a 40-player instance will have half its life with 20 players in the instance
# If InflectionPointRaid is 0.8, an enemy in a 40-player instance will have half its life with 12 players in the instance
# When the curve to determine the enemy multiplier is calculated, start the curve at this value.
# This allows you to make enemies have higher stats for lower player counts without adversely affecting the stats of
# higher player counts. Applied before `AutoBalance.StatModifier*` values.
# Value may be negative if needed to achieve your desired curve.
# When the curve to determine the enemy multiplier is calculated, end the curve at this value.
# This allows you to make enemies have lower stats for higher player counts without adversely affecting the stats of
# lower player counts. Applied before `AutoBalance.StatModifier*` values.